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North Korea War Reddit

WEB: War Preparations Intensify on Korean Peninsula

North Korea's Intentions and South Korea's Response

North Korea's Stated Reason

North Korea has consistently cited US imperialism as the justification for its military buildup. However, this explanation is likely a smokescreen for the regime's ultimate goal: reunification with South Korea.

North Korea's Historical Advantage

During the Korean War, North Korea possessed a significant military advantage over South Korea, inheriting the majority of the industrialized infrastructure following the North-South divide and receiving substantial support from the Soviet Union.

South Korea's Likely Response to Conflict

In the event of a military conflict, South Korea is likely to adopt a defensive strategy, reinforcing the boundaries of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and patiently awaiting the gradual reunification process.

Estimated Casualties in a Conflict

A full-scale conflict between the two Koreas would result in significant casualties, with estimates ranging from 10,000 to 15,000 US casualties, several million North Korean casualties, and a substantial proportion of those casualties from South Korea.
