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Diferencia De Hora Chile Y Argentina

Time Difference Between Chile and Argentina

Key Points

  • Chile is 0 hours behind Argentina.
  • Chile is currently in daylight saving time, while Argentina is not.

Understanding the Time Difference

The time difference between Chile and Argentina varies depending on whether daylight saving time is in effect. When Argentina is in standard time, Chile is 1 hour behind. However, when Chile is observing daylight saving time, the time difference is reduced to 0 hours.

Current Time Difference

As of [insert current date], Chile is currently in daylight saving time, while Argentina is not. This means that Chile is currently 0 hours behind Argentina.

Impact of Daylight Saving Time

Daylight saving time (DST) is a seasonal change in the standard time of a country or region that is implemented to make better use of daylight. DST typically involves advancing clocks by one hour during the spring and moving them back one hour in the fall.

The decision to implement DST varies from country to country, and it can affect the time difference between different regions. In this case, the different implementation of DST in Chile and Argentina leads to a time difference of 0 hours during certain periods of the year.


The time difference between Chile and Argentina is dynamic and depends on whether daylight saving time is observed. Currently, Chile is 0 hours behind Argentina due to the implementation of DST in Chile but not in Argentina.
